This API is for the Quiz resource of the Advisor API on the wealth.com platform. It allows connected systems to programmatically fetch the questions and FAQs for the wealth.com quiz and get a recommended plan based on a client's quiz answers and other information. This can be useful for integrating the wealth.com quiz into your platform.
Note: If your api user is set up to have access to multiple advisors, you will need to provide advisor_id
and team_id
query parameters (unless they are specified as part of request object).
Get Quiz
quiz call expects an integer quiz version to be passed on the URL.
curl --location --request GET 'https://advisor-api.wealth.com/v1/quiz/1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Get Quiz Response Object
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of questions to be displayed in the quiz.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 20)
- Description
The unique ID for the question.
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The order of the question in relation to the rest of the questions.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
The text that is displayed to the user for the question.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
A short tag that represents the question.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of FAQs to be displayed below the quiz.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
The title text for the FAQ.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of content objects to be displayed when the FAQ is expanded.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 20)
- Description
Indicates whether children of the content item are list items. If this is null, they are not. If this is “bullet” then they are bullet list items.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of marks to be used by the children of the content.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 20)
- Description
Indicates whether children of the content item are list items. If this is null, they are not. If this is “bullet” then they are bullet list items.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
The array of marks to be used by the children of the content.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of items to be shown to the user for this content.
- Name
- Type
- array of string (Max 20)
- Description
An array of marks for this child to utilize. Each string in this array will match the key of a mark.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 2500)
- Description
The text to be displayed to the user for this child. If this child has marks then this child should be highlighted and link to the related mark’s href.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of FAQs to be shown to the side of the quiz.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
The text to be displayed to the user for this side FAQ.
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of items to display after this side FAQ is clicked.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 2500)
- Description
The text to be displayed to the user for this linked item.
"questions": [{
"id": "8licOO",
"order": 0,
"question": "If I can't manage my own affairs, I want someone to handle my health care and financial decisions.",
"tag": "Financial Decisions"
"faq": [{
"title": "What is the difference between a Last Will & Testament and a Revocable Trust?",
"content": [{
"list_item": null,
"mark_defs": [{
"key": "178367fd4522",
"href": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLDLO3nhb9Y"
"children": [{
"marks": [],
"text": "A Will and a Trust both allow you to name who will manage your affairs, who will be your beneficiaries, and how your assets will be distributed. However, there are some key differences between both types of legal documents.\n\nFirst, if you create a Will, upon your death the probate court (sometimes called a “surrogate court”) will oversee the process to distribute your assets to your beneficiaries. Because a Will is used in the probate process, it is therefore a publicly available document. A Trust privatizes the administration of your affairs, and will not go through the probate process. \n\nSecond, whereas a Will only takes effect at your death, if you transferred assets into your Trust and something were to happen to you (for example, you are incapacitated), your successor trustee can step in to manage those assets. \n\nTo learn more, you can also watch Anne Rhodes, our Chief Legal Officer, break down the differences between a Will and a Trust here."
"marks": ["178367fd4522"],
"text": "Watch Video"
"listItem": "bullet",
"markDefs": [],
"children": [
"marks": [],
"text": "Advance Health Care Directive"
"side_faq": [{
"content": "Do you have a particular person in mind who should handle your financial decisions if you were incapacitated?",
"link_to": [{
"content": "### Do you have a particular person in mind who should handle your health care and financial decisions if you were unable to yourself?"
"content": "A advance health care directive is a document that allows you to name a person to make health care decisions for you and to leave guidance to that person and your medical team on your health care and post-death decisions. This includes withholding life-sustaining treatments, organ donation and disposition of remains."
Get Primary Document Recommendation
Get Primary Document Recommendation Request Object
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The quiz version.
- Name
- Type
- array of string (Max 20)
- Description
The question IDs that the client selected in the quiz.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 50)
- Description
Marital status of the client.
Accepted values:'Single' 'Married' 'DomesticPartnership' 'CivilUnion' 'Engaged' 'OtherCommittedRelationship' 'Widowed'
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 2)
- Description
The jurisdiction where the client lives.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 50)
- Description
The client's existing estate plan.
Accepted values:'IndividualTrust' 'JointTrust' 'LastWillAndTestament' 'NoEstatePlan' 'Unknown'
curl --location --request POST 'https://advisor-api.wealth.com/v1/quiz' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
--data-raw '{
"version": 1,
"answers": ["eb94O6", "C81YRs", "9q50xr", "jFffD8"],
"marital_status": "Married",
"jurisdiction": "NY",
"existing_estate_plan": "IndividualTrust"
Get Primary Document Recommendation Response Object
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 50)
- Description
The recommended primary document for the client.
Possible values:'One Joint Revocable Trust' 'One Individual Revocable Trust' 'Two Individual Revocable Trusts' 'One Last Will and Testament' 'Two Last Will and Testaments'
- Name
- Type
- array of objects
- Description
The array of rationales that explain the primary document recommendation.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 200)
- Description
The title for the rationale.
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 2500)
- Description
The text content for the rationale.
- Name
- Type
- array of string (Max 50)
- Description
An array of the primary documents that make sense for the client.
Possible values:'One Joint Revocable Trust' 'One Individual Revocable Trust' 'Two Individual Revocable Trusts' 'One Last Will and Testament' 'Two Last Will and Testaments'
- Name
- Type
- string (Max 2500)
- Description
An explanation for the possible primary documents array.
"recommended_primary_document": "Two Individual Revocable Trusts",
"recommended_rationale": [
"title": "You own a business.",
"content": "Business shares can get tied up in the probate process, which can impact its continued operation. Owning those shares through a Revocable Trust passes them to your beneficiaries without court involvement, and your trustee can manage your business until then."
"possible_primary_documents": [
"One Joint Revocable Trust",
"Two Individual Revocable Trusts",
"Two Last Will and Testaments"
"possible_rationale": "Since you are not single, you need a joint revocable trust, two wills, or two individual revocable trusts."